Friday, January 23, 2009

India trip

My trip to India was the most boring trip I have ever had. Coming to Chennai, I realized none of my friends are in India. Most of them are studying/working abroad, in US and my best friends gang are also wide and apart – Sada – UK, Balaji Chennai, Lava – Bombay-> Chennai, Anand – Hyderabad, Rahul – Dubai, Ananth – US, Jayram – Mumbai. With just two of my best buddies around, weekends were the only option. But then, without bike, meeting them turned out quite a task. At home, my only timepass was TV and my mom hates me whenever I switch I on. As usual, I never relented! Dad was asusual busy with his Sudoku. Thankfully, he found a part-time job to train Loan recovery Bank agents to fill his time and purse. I doubt if Chennai will ever be the same for me. Next time, I better come with loads of dollars and plan a family trip across India. Else, it’s quite boring to think of coming back.

Mike - the MBA blogger

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama - Hope of the world

History will be made today. Obama takes charge as President today. America will have its first Afro-American President. News is his inauguration ceremony tickets were sold in 20seconds. This day will go down as one of the world’s greatest milestones. Barack Hussain Obama, has lots of problems to deal with as soon as he resumes his day. At the top of his agenda, will be America’s Economic Crisis, closely followed by Indo-Pak crisis, US-Russia relations and weakening state of America in the world stage. Many have already passed their judgments that he’ll be a savior of America. I hope he delivers for America and the rest of the world.

Mike - the MBA blogger

Monday, January 12, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

“Slumdog Millionaire” is the talk of Golden Globe Awards. The film directed by Danny Boyles is about the Mumbai spirit and what better timing than now, after Mumbai attacks. A.R.Rahman became the first Indian to bag the Golden Globe for Best Original Music. This film is now in my list of must watch movies. The film has also become a favorite for Oscars. I wish it wins an Oscar, it would be poetic justice to celebrate the spirit of Mumbai which is shown evidently in the film, through the everyday life at Asia’s biggest slum, Dharavi. One thing though, this film is definitely not about Bollywood and Bollywood has nothing to be proud of. Indians can feel proud, for, its all about the Mumbai spirit.

Mike - the MBA blogger