Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Some Politics!

Part of my MBA coursework is a subject Global Political economy. Let me tell you, I thought it was one of the most boring and theoritical subjects. I was so wrong! Now lets interpretate how India and Pakistan have acted/ behaved with each other.

I request every reader to lose your sense of nationality and read the rest of this post, unbiasedly.

The Indian Angle:
The Partition meant India and Pakistan as two separate entities and then India had to deal with a fearful neighbour, Pakistan, which shared borders on both sides. East Pakistan was a worry for India and India used the native sentiments, sentiments of neglect by West Pakistan that led to a growing resentment and sense of separation. And our actions will be remembered, until India gets paid by the same coin! Afghanistan war though condemned by India, especially the enormous innocent lives lost, helped India to protect itself by weakening the Taliban-Pakistan nexus along with securing the border with Afghanistan. News is, India has set up its administrative offices along the Pak-Afghan border lines, just to secure the region. Pakistan has never been cramped for space.

The Pakistan angle:
Kashmir. Kashmir is a 90% Muslim occupied place and Pakistan could not tolerate Kashmir under India. And when Jinnah couldn't get access to his beloved tourist place in his last days, he felt hurt. And so did Pakistan. Ever since India freed East Pakistan as Bangladesh, Pakistan has intensified its activities on Kashmir. Now who is to blame! The war on terror on Afghanistan has radicalized Pakistan community. The pressure on Pakistan has led to poor spending on education. This inturn meant, drop-out ratio is very high. And poor quality schools has forced the students to madrasas, religious schools. Its no secret that a high percentage of this crowd join Taliban, to fight against US forces. Afghanistan and the Pakistan tribal areas has become the breeding place of the world's terror network!

The Neutral view:
Kashmir cannot go to India completely. Kahsmir cannot go to Pakistan completely.
Kashmir cannot be an independent country. If so, any change in demography would be seen by India (or Pakistan) as a strategy to forcefully occupy. Imagine, Kashmir becomes a neutral country, open to both. Millions of People, I bet and perhaps rightfully so, would move from Pakistan to Kashmir and breed. This would be seen by India as a occupying strategy and any imbalance in the region would lead to the never-ending blame game. So does it solve the problem, NO! How about this! US says, Kashmir is free and makes it like Taiwan. It guarantees security, in case of any attack from India and Pakistan. A very good neutral response? True! Would India agree? Never! Would Pakistan agree? Never!

As long as Pakistan continues to send negative vibes and news to the world, India would be very happy to claim splitting Kashmir or accepting LOC would be a security nightmare. So if Pakistan wants any claim over Kashmir, it needs to follow peace. Not for 6months, not for a year but atleast, i am guessing, 5-6 years. And if there is no taliban activity or infiltration and bombs exploding, the pressure would then be shifted to India! Would any soul in Pakistan understand! hmmm....don't think so!

Mike - the MBA blogger

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