Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From Cost-cuts to Salary-Cuts

British Airways has asked its 40,000 staff to work without pay for up to a month as the ailing airline seeks to cut costs. BA made a record £401 million loss in 2008 due to surging fuel prices and collapsing premium-fare passengers. The move is to reduce costs dramatically and BA has already offered staff unpaid leave or a reduction in hours. BA’s chief executive,Mr Walsh, has now gone a step further by asking staff to volunteer for between one and four weeks of unpaid work in what was dubbed as “fight for survival.”

Mr Walsh, last week said he would work for free in July, and has set a deadline of June 24 for employees to volunteer for unpaid work. Salary deductions are expected to be spread over three to six months wherever possible.

Mike - the MBA blogger

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